August 10th - Quick update

August 10 - Quick Update from Todd

Friends - If you are receiving this it is because

you did in fact sign up

to receive email communication from me when I have something to communicate! 

I am sorry the lack of correspondence from me in your inbox has made many of you think you failed to sign up. It is a sad fact that the last time I wrote rain wasn’t a mythical creature in the Dallas area and I am grateful for that I hear rumblings in the clouds as I write this quick update.


pray with me that in the next 24 hours I can send you another email letting you know the Lord has finally provided “rented quarters”

(Acts 28:30) for us to “proclaim the Kingdom of God and teachings concerning the Lord Jesus with all openness, unhindered. (Acts 28:31) .  

Today’s email is to let you know 1.) You are on the list, and the list exists 2.) You can forward this to others so they can sign up on the list 3.) You can join me in praying that I get to send another email tomorrow letting you know where we can start gathering together NEXT week!

Let me close by saying I have been encouraged by every email I have received from you letting me know that you are well, continuing to seek the Lord and that your kindness, confidence in, and affection for me has not been lost even through these months of separation.  I can join Paul with integrity in saying “I thank my God in every remembrance of you.”  I was humbled and encouraged today to receive a couple of notes from this group saying that they had recently gone back and listened to previous messages and been encouraged. I am grateful those messages are still available, and I am hopeful that new ones can be created and shared in person with you soon.  KEEP PRAYING!

Psalm 37:3,