1613 Update (6.27.23)

1613 Update (6.27.23)


1.) What I have been up to these last 2 months

2.) What I hope we will be up to in future months together 

3.) How you can encourage and be in touch with each other

In the video I share the heart behind the contact list, its intended use and why not everyone’s info is on it. (Spoiler Alert- because we didn’t hear back from all of you). Coop will be sending that out in the next 48 hours with all the contacts you elected to share. 

I also mention how you can dive more into Tim’s teaching on Servant Leadership and the book that formed much of his content.  There will be more opportunities to discuss that content together but

 to the kindle version if you are interested in grabbing it yourself. 

Meanwhile- praying for each of you daily and I hope you are reading

everyday AND abiding with the author.

Till we are home may we be found good, brave and ready, 

Also, please feel free to forward this email to others you want to be apart of the 1613 project and tell them to email [email protected] if they would like to be added to the distribution list.